Trump's strategist push AI to help conservatives, all you need to know

 Source:entertainment Views: 【BigSmall】 Time:2024-06-03 17:23:42 Number of comments:

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Brad Parscale was the digital guru behind Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 election and was promoted to manage the 2020 campaign. But he didn’t last long on that job: His personal life unraveled in public and he later texted a friend that he felt “guilty” for helping Trump win after the riot at the U.S. Capitol.

He’s since become an evangelist about the power of artificial intelligence to transform how Republicans run political campaigns. And his company is working for Trump’s 2024 bid, trying to help the presumptive Republican nominee take back the White House from Democratic President Joe Biden.

Here’s what to know about Parscale and his new role:


Parscale says his company, Campaign Nucleus, can use AI to help generate customized emails, parse oceans of data to gauge voter sentiment and find persuadable voters. It can also amplify the social media posts of “anti-woke” influencers, according to an Associated Press review of Parscale’s public statements, his company documents, slide decks, marketing materials and other records not previously made public.

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